Many people want to know, “what is pink eye?”. This common condition can make it very difficult to function at normal levels on a daily basis. Although it is generally not life threatening or dire, it is still extremely uncomfortable. It is important to understand what is causing the problem so a cure can be found. There is no single pink eye cure-all. Different treatments are necessary for different situations.
The Causes of Pink Eye
In order to answer the question, “what is pink eye?” you must know what causes it. Pink eye appears from one of four possible cause. Contagious cases develop as a result of a viral or bacterial infection. Patients must be very careful to avoid spreading viral or bacterial pink eye to their uninfected eye or even other people. These cause also produce a discharge and itchy sensation that encourages the spread of the problem. It is extremely important that the patient practice good hygiene and treat the condition quickly.
Allergies can also lead to pink eye. These are often seasonal problems that result from hey fever. Pollen and other debris that floats on the air are inhaled and affect the immune system. The reaction this causes can lead to an irritating case of pink eye. The fourth cause is found in newborns with bacteria called Chlamydia trachomatis.
Pink Eye Symptoms
Pink eye symptoms are extremely uncomfortable in most cases. Once you have answered the “what is pink eye?” question, you can figure out what the cause might be based on symptoms. Each cause produces different symptoms, although there are a few common ailments that appear in almost each case. Bacterial and viral pink eye produces a great deal of pus or mucus from the eyes. This is very unpleasant and can cause eye lids to stick together. Chemical induced pink eye is identified by the pain felt when looking up or down. This type of pink eye generally does not produce the same discharge as the other types.
Anyone with pink eye knows the frustration and irritation that comes with this common eye condition. Now that you have the answer to “what is pink eye?”, you are better equipped to handle the problem quickly and effectively.